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Carbide Bushings

Hard alloy bushing series products, with high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, wear resistance and other exCellent performance,widely UIsed in  modemn  manufacturing,especiallyin Some special working under extreme environmental conditions of the core Components,Such as oil and gas,car shipping,steel mining scale of industrial production, such as hard alloy bushing  goOd use  perfommance and durable service life is aneffective form to enhance the efficiency of industrial production.In oil industry, for example, the equipment manufacturing industry of high quality alloy tool products is the guarantee of long-term use of oil production line safe operation infrastructure, for alloy mold product performance requirements become inevitable key, it embodies the hard alloy moulds high-end products for the promotion of the oil industry, aerospace, auto industry.The corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance and wear resistance of carbide-bushing,carbide-bushing,carbide-bushing and carbide-mold are the basic reguirements for the durable operation of petroleum machinery.Especially for  the  precision petroleum mechanical alloybushing which requires high dimensional accuracy,the productionand processing of the bushing need to be coordinated with strict technology.

Свяжитесь с нами

почтовый ящик:zlhg@zhonglonggm.cn
адрес:200 метров к западу от моста Юцзянь, улица Гулинь, новый район Биньхай, Тяньцзинь
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